Digital Natives entering institutions of higher education
expect ICT to be effectively integrated into their learning experiences and
they want to be able to access it all from anywhere, anytime. To meet this
need, many colleges and universities are now providing ICT-enriched courses for
students who are required to bring student-owned mobile devices with them for
classroom use. Additionally, institutions of higher education are now offering
courses that combine elements of online learning and face-to-face instruction,
known as “blended” courses. Read the rest of the story here.
The top 10 strategic technologies that Gartner has identified for 2012 include:
- Media Tablets and Beyond
- Mobile-Centric Applications and Interfaces
- Contextual and Social User Experience
- Internet of Things
- App Stores and Marketplaces
- Next-Generation Analytics
- Big Data
- In-Memory Computing
- Extreme Low-Energy Servers
- Cloud Computing